by J-Slyde

Well, well, well… what do we have here then? Another stacked lineup brought to you by the musically intoxicated folk down at Prognosis HQ by the looks of it. A healthy dose of progressive spliced with a metric fcukton of techno? Perhaps even a hint of house and disco on the menu? Rightio then kiddies, carry on…
And carry on we will! With all the makings of another shenanigan filled evening, musical stylings will be provided by a troop of auditory aficionados ready to tell their story through song*.
Back on deck after a stellar debut earlier this year, Rich Curtis will be delivering the smooth sounds that have seen him in demand across Australia and the globe. A prolific producer with a slew of releases on some of the biggest labels in the game, Rich’s DJ sets are not to be missed.
Gabe Gilmour makes his highly anticipated Prognosis debut which will no doubt be something special. Having mastered his craft whilst DJing and running events in Canberra, Gabe has received critical acclaim from promoters and punters in Australia and beyond. A true craftsman with a deep passion for his music, Gabe’s music will instantly find a welcome home amongst the Prognosis crowd.
Kultrun is another returning guest who realistically needs no introduction. Production skills that leave many for dead, releases that show his depth musically which have received props from some of the biggest names in the scene and DJ sets that have attracted high praise, Melbourne lad Kultrun will deliver once again.
The funkiest chuckers in town have got the band back together for an exclusive Chunky Fuckers set. We’ve missed their on stage supremacy that has turned the Prognosis dancefloor on its head multiple times. Add in residents J-Slyde and Aaron Static who have both been amassing huge numbers of fans across the globe with their mixes and have continually dealt feet seeking missiles across Melbourne and we really are in for a treat. VJ Pied Piper will be leading the children of the night with his visual wizardry. Entry is free so resistance is futile!
*Note: Microphones are strictly banned. We trust their taste in tunes but vocal stylings are discouraged with swift retribution for those who disobey.
Rich Curtis (BRIS / Sudbeat / Proton / Replug)
Gabriel Gilmour
Chunky Fuckers (Herc Kass & Jayson Holden)
Aaron Static
VJ Pied Piper
Saturday, 15th June – 10:00pm til late
Loop – 23 Meyers Place
PRICE: 100% FREE!!